2008-2022 © Global Edison Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Our Mission

Global Edison is committed to being a leader in the Asia, Africa, America markets by being first to the challenge and bringing the fastest solution and most affordable turnkey solution to the table

Our commitment

Global Edison is committed to honest, ethical and fair international business practices conforming to local customs and traditions as well as applicable laws and regulations. Through our legacy of responsible experienced leadership, we will continue to do our part to build a better world for all wherever we go and in whatever we do.

Our pledges

Global Edison pledges to protect the health and safety of our employees, safeguard the environments where we work, and support the communities and the counties where we do business.

Global Edison is a private corporation organized under
the laws of the State of Texas and the United States.

Corporate charter number 800941700.
Contact Us

Let's start
to work

Global Edison
Developing, Financing, Contruction, Operation and providers of Raw Materials

Contact Us

Global Edison Corporation
415 E. Airport Fwy 4th Floor,
Irving TX 75062

  • Telephone
    +1 (214) 679-8600